Tricks R Us
$100 for 6 classes
Great for winter time - keep your dog mentally challenged and having fun with Tricks ! Learn 3-4 Novice Tricks and 1-2 Intermediate Tricks each week. Amaze your family and friends with your dogs abilities ! Bang, Doggie Push-ups, Kisses, Peek-a-Boo, Spin, Leg Weave, Rollover and much more.
Earn a title if you want at no additional charge. I’m an AKC Trick Evaluator
(Urban Agility)
$80 for 6 classes or $15 Drop-in
We meet at various parks, school yards around town
Learn how to use obstacles you encounter on your daily walks to increase your dog’s exercise and physical strength and coordination.
Friday Evenings in the Summer
$80 for 6 walks or $15 Drop-in
Starting time will change with length of day and heat
We will meet at various locations around town, start off with a short training session, then a 15 - 20 min walk out and a 15 min-20 walk back.
I work with each team individually to address specific questions.
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